Hebrews Chapter One Vs One

Hebrews Chapter One verse One : God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.

Here we see the scripture declaring that God spake.

Is God still speaking?

The question may not be is God still speaking ?

The point is that in this first verse who is He speaking to? It was that He was speaking to the Jewish believer and not Gentile a believer. For it is made plain here he was talking to Jewish believers because the writer refers to in time pass God spake unto the Jewish fathers by the prophets.

So here again at the beginning of the writing of the Book Of Hebrews we see the writer is speaking to the Jewish believers and writing to them and not to the Gentile believers because the fathers referred to here and prophets referred to here were not the fathers or prophets of the Gentiles.

Gentiles and Jewish people are still who they are after they become a believer, a Jewish person is Jewish and a Gentile is still a Gentile even when they find themselves a believer in Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

The Jewish person is Jewish but there believing is different, wherein they once believed in the customs and works of the Law given by Moses but no longer do because they believe in Jesus as their High Priest cleansed by His blood and not that of bulls, goats and lambs.

You have to keep the word of God in its context with its content and that includes rightly dividing the word of God or you go into error and can end up losing faith and teaching error.

There are so many false teachings do to not rightly dividing the word of God.

So it still remains one needs to keep the contrast between the Jewish people and the Gentiles and allow the scripture that applies to the Jewish people apply to them and the scripture that applies to the Gentiles apply to the Gentiles.


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