The Biography of God Author Continues

The hand God upon my life, as he has spoken it in His word and given promise in that he would never leave us nor fail us nor forsake us.

What a faithful and longsuffering one He has been toward me and what a joy it is that he considered me to write about His long suffering which in turn luminates his faithfulness.

As I reflect on my childhood and years of teenage there were those in my life who God had to speak to me about him the God who was love. God is Love,

There was my Mother and when i think of her i think about her love and devotion for God.

She loved to fellowship with God and Jesus and that to her was that She would just talk to them freely as they were a real person in her life and not just some religion. She definitely believed that Christianity was not a religion but it was God and man being one with each other by one begin born again according to the will of God.

She had her trials and testing of her faith like we all do from the time she was a child until she passed at the age of nighty two on September 22-2017. She was born on June 1, 1925.

She had Rheumatic Fever when she was young and back then they did not know any treatments and it caused other trauma to come about in her life where she had to have mastoid type operation and infections set in and they had to use maggots to put in that area to eat up all the infection and they had to then scrap some of her brains. God brought her through it and later in life the same occurred, rheumatic fever causing heart problems and God was faithful to bring her through, and then came her battle with cancer, colon cancer where they removed her whole colon and God brought her through it all, but my mother would of rather tell you about the suffering of her savior than talk about her suffering even though it was Jesus that spared her in the midst of hers.

God is love and love is longsuffering and Love believeth all things and endures all things.

The year 2016, my mother was to die in the month of September. The preacher had come and the funeral director of the funeral home had come for the plans of the funeral and burial. The Hospice nurse was counting the breathing rhythm and saying it would not be too long. Relatives from around the state of Tn. had come to say their good by and I got a call from my cousin, for I out of state working on a catastrophe.

My cousin stated to me that my mother was dying and she had prayed to see me before she died. I must have felt an unction from the Holy Ghost because I told her my mother was not going to dye and hung up. My mother did not dye, and two weeks after my conversation with my cousin I went to see my mother.

I decided to leave on a early Sunday morning from Ga. so i left around 2am and got to Lebanon Tn. to my Mothers home around 9 am. I went to my mothers room to see her and of course she was sitting there and she begin to tell me about Jesus and how he had come to see her that Saturday night prior to my coming. Well for sure the way she looked and the presence of God in her room you knew a miracle had taken place. She told that Jesus came through the big window in her room with two of His disciples. She told me she begged him to take her with Him but he wouldn’t , but he said he would come again at another time for her. Jesus came for her in the middle of the night on September 22 2017 . i got a call that night and was told that Jesus had come for my mother for she was gone.

Jesus is Faithfull and long suffering and he is not afar from our afflictions to deliver us out of them all.

Love endures all thigs, God is Love.


The Biography of God Author Continued

Hebrews 1: 14; It is true and we are assured by the word of God that there are Angels whether we have experienced them or not. We all have them assigned to us.

I have had different encounters with Angels, but I also have had encounters with Jesus and the Holy Spirit and it does not go without saying with demons also.

Still, the point that is being made is that the spirit realm does exist, and we need to be fully aware of its existence because it is influencing our life for the better or the worst.

Therefore, the Angle sent by Jesus from the throne room of God in service for me to write by its direction and inspiration did complete that mission that was given to him for we now have the book The Biography of God written and published and made available for readers and learners like as yourself brother and sisters in our Lord.

It is for the lost ones as well, that is still in the darkness of Satan, in his kingdom under his dominion.

It was about a year or more that I had a supervisor on a job who told me not to talk to him about God because he was an atheist. When my book came out he was one of the first to buy one and wanted me to autograph it for him. He even said, he felt like it was my purpose to educate people about God and he wanted to support my work.

If this atheist reads my book he has enough knowledge about God that he can believe in him and be born again.

Awareness of the Spirit world came to me early in life.

At first, it was when I was seven years old in a Baptist Church I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to call upon Jesus to save me. Or you could say drawing me to do so. And I did respond.

It was the beginning of my consciousness of the spirit realm. To what existent i was yet to know, but the evil and good of it was to come with a war over my soul. .

To be continued , God Bless, God is Love!

The Biography of God Author

My name is Dorsey Lunn, I was born in Nashville Tennessee in the year 1947. I was always told by my mother how it snowed the day I was born, and today, as I begin to write it, has snowed, and it is beautiful outside at 12 degrees.

I won’t get to share much today because I have just received a text from the management of the company i work. It said, we will be working from 11 pm to 7 am so I do need to get a nap, one would say.

Let me say with all humility i am the author of “The Biography of God” by Dorsey Lunn.

It never occurred to me that i would write a lengthily book as such of 668 pages over the length of two plus years.

When i began to write i did not have a title for my book nor did i have the out lined Chapters which would come later.

I never researched titles to determine what would be the best title for my book as i think most Authors do.

I have been hesitant to say how my book came about due to my concern about peoples doubt, and unbelief about the spirit ream and its existence, I express or referee to the spirit ream in my book as “Behind the Veil”, giving reference to the world of the spirit begins.

Are we really conscious of the unseen world, that spirit realm, that is?

My book began when an Angel said “sit down and write”. and i sat down and begin to write from the direction and inspiration of the Angel. I do hope you believe in Angels?

For it is said, of the Angels they are sent forth in the service for those who shall inherit life everlasting. Hebrews 1:14; From the Aramaic of the Peshitta. the George M. Lamsa’s translation.

May God Bless you today. God Bless!

“The Biography Of God” It’s Content

This Book, “The Biography of God” contains 51 chapters.

By the Chapters :

One : What is man looking for?

Two: God Grants Immortality and Transfiguration

Three: Time and Its Creator.

Four: The Ancient of Days

Five: The Time of Grace and Mercy

Six: The Time Of Law

Seven: The Time to Replenish

Eight: The Time Before 5000 B. C,

Nine : Spirit Beings of the Unseen World

Ten: The Beginning of the Suffering of God

Eleven: What God Had to Become

Twelve: The Kingdoms in the Unseen World

Thirteen: The Vision of Destruction before Adam and Eve

Fourteen: The Places of Confinement Created by God

Fifteen: God Shares His Future Plans with His Determinate Council

Sixteen: The Evil There Of

Seventeen: The Righteous versus the Unrighteous

Eighteen: The Development of Civilization and it’s Judgement

Nineteen: The Longsuffering of God in the Days of Noah

Twenty: How God Suffered in the Days of Abraham

Twenty One; The Continued Sorrow and Grief of God because of His Faithfulness

Twenty Two; The Suffering of God as One Married to an Adulteress

Twenty Three: Selection According to God Not Man

Twenty Four: A Time of God as a Father with His Wife and Family

Twenty Five: God as Father to Nurture His Children in His Ways

Twenty Six: God as a Father Continues to put His House in Order

Twenty Seven: The Theocracy of God with Mercy and Judgement

Twenty Eight: God Pulls Back the Veil and Gives s a Vision

Twenty Nine The Sorrow of God at the Death of His Prophet

Thirty: God Would Send Blindness and Doubt

Thirty One: God Prophesies His Greatest Sorrow

Thirty Two: The Wisdom of God n the Light of Controversy

Thirty Three: The Language of Holiness Comes by Fire

Thirty Four: God is Love

Thirty Five Shiloh is Messiah

Thirty Six: The Suffering of God as He Would Bear the “Body of Death “

Thirty Seven: The Scepter of Judah

Thirty Eight: The Coming of the Time of the Gentiles

Thirty Nine: The Long Awaited Conquest with Satan

Forty: Why Jesus Did Not Give Israel the Understanding of the Parables

Forty One: The Harmony of the Scripture

Forty Two: The Beginning of the Grafting in of the Gentiles and the Cutting Off of the Nation of Israel

Forty Three: Jesus the Christ, the Son of David, Given as a Covenant

Forty Four: The Fullness of the Gentiles Be Come In

Forty Five: The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God Differ

Forty Six: The Gospels and Their Differences

Forty Seven: The True and False Ones

Forty Eight: Rightly Dividing the Covenants

Forty Nine: Jesus, the Mustard Seed

Fifty: The Mysteries and Their Illumination

Fifty One: The Sorrows of God He Fulfilled

For the complete Book of “The Biography of God ” go to; our tab above “Buy the Book”!

Thank You, for your Love for God, and Jesus Christ .

Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 3 How God began to deal with unbelief

Hebrews Chapter 1 verses 3, How God began to deal with unbelief

Who beging in the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: verse 4, being made so much better than the angels, as He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Jesus is the brightness of God’s Glory and the express image of Gods person.

The Apostle is saying Jesus is the brightness of God’s Glory that these Jewish people would begin to be renewed to the memory of that which they had believed in and in hopes they would once again receive the faith that God-given in HIs Son.

You see these Jewish people where no longer servants of God but they had become sons of a God who was now a Father unto them.

The contrast we will be looking at is the difference between the biggerly elements of this earthly being the blood of bulls and goats verses a relationship and companionship with the Son of God who is in the brightness and image of Gods person who shed His blood for these Jewish people as He did also for you. Weather you be Jew or Gentle that God might be a father to you and you Jew or Gentile be a child of Him.

But still, yet keep in mind the purpose for which the apostle is writing the Book of Hebrews is because there were these Jewish people who had believed in Jesus the Christ to be the Messiah.

He is not writing to a Jewish person who has never heard of or believed in or been born again believer in their Messiah.

So we have the apostle which is believed to be the apostle Paul writing to these Jewish people and admonishing them to return by the faith of God which He had provided in Jesus the Son of God, their Messiah.

It is that we know that the Jewish people are God’s people, that is we Gentiles that have confessed with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and have believed in our heart that God has raised Jesus from the Dead, and it is the same with the Jewish people who have done the same.

Therefore we have these Jewish people who had at one time had the faith of God which he had provided which we know is the faith of Jesus that they may believe in the one who is in the brightness of God’s glory and the express image of His person, who God has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds and upholding all things by the word of his power.

Then it is we come to that of verse three were it says, “when he had by himself purged our sins .” it is here we have a distinction, as we mentioned earlier about the beggarly elements, the blood of bulls and goats verses the companionship with God by Jesus Christ the Son of God and the blood He shed .

These Jewish people had turned back to worship God thinking they would have a relationship and fellowship with God by offering once again the blood of bulls and goats.

So were these Jewish people who had once believed that Jesus was all that is mentioned above to be, were they God’s people?

They were God’s people in the sense that God was their creator and that they had in the past worshiped God according to the Mosaic covenant whereby came the sacrifices of bulls and goats but, God was no longer requiring those sacrifices because he had required the blood of His Son whereby our sin is purged, not just covered over as they were in the days when they were offering blood by sacrifices.

So the doubt of these Jewish people had taken them back to thinking they had to shed the blood of animals.

So we have a contrast between faith and works.

Faith does not need to see it, feel it or smell it.

Doubt says i will not believe it unless i can see it, touch it or smell it, that which is of the senses.

So the apostle is wanting these Jewish people to come back to that which can not be seen but has been raised from the dead and has made available his blood to purge Jew and Gentile from all their sins and is seated at the right hand of God.

There again in verse four it is showing forth what these Jewish people had. It says, “Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

These Jewish people had a covenant relationship with God as their father through one who had been made better than angels and one who had had by an inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

It speaks of one being made so much better and receiving a more excellent name. If one is made so much better , how is it is that one is made so much better?

Jesus was born of a virgin given a body that was like the one Adam had before he disobeyed God and that body was a body that had the blood of God in it which had the very life of God eternal life in it that would purge sin from mand kind. This was the body where he was made so much better angels. This is the body whereby he had to offer up himself as a lamb spotless without blemish slain before the foundation of the world. This was the manner in which he had by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

This body one of immortality with the blood that was in it was eternal life that could purge sin from mankind was the one that gave Jesus the Christ his standing as the Son of Man which would warrant one the need of a name.

It would be this body that would grant him the excess to an inheritance that would obtain him a more excellent name and that inheritance would come as his Father would ask him to ask him for the heathen for his inheritance.

For it is stated in Psalms 2:8 where the Father is talking to the Son of God, the Messiah. The Father says to the son, “ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

So this inheritance is that which has to do with mankind on planet earth not that which he already had in heaven.

It was the beginning of a new covenant, a better covenant one not given by the ordinances of angels but the son of God given by God as a covenant name it has to come from another.that Father God conferred or gave Jesus his name

Hebrews Chapter 1 Verse 1-2-3

Verse 1, 2 ,3

vs 1, God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.

Think on that, the God of heaven was speaking at sundry times , different times, several and various ways unto the fathers by their prophets.

God had men of old of renown called prophets whereby He spoke unto the Jewish fathers.

What is the point ?

The living God was speaking!

The Apostle’s emphasis is not on the prophets and the Jewish fathers even though his inference may seem to apply that it does but, these Jewish people were hearing from the living God.

The emphasis is God Himself.

verse 2; Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son , whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.

Hear again, the Apostle says it is God speaking to these Jewish people, and again what is the point?

It is the living God that is speaking and out of it all we hear the overture of doubt that it is the living God speaking.

If one did not believe it was the living God speaking how could the jewish people ever believe that He was speaking in His Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.

verse 2 a; spoken unto us, referring to God speaking.

verse 2b; God doing something. If one did not believe God was speaking how could they believe he was doing something like appointing His Son heir of all things.

Much less believe that God made the worlds by His Son as it says, by whom also He made the worlds.

Here we see God is speaking unto these Jewish people and what is he saying ?

First and foremost it is God speaking, and secondly what has he revealed by speaking.

He has revealed the manner in which He has made the worlds.

It says here that God made the worlds , and the manner in which He did it.

So it is God speaking saying to these Jewish people that He made the worlds by His Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.

The Apostle is definley addressing doubt and unbelief that these once Jewish believers are having in the Living God more so than not, for sure.

When we look at the emphasis on God in these scriptures we see it is doubt in the Living God that is being addressed and doubt of the Son of God.

verse 3, address Jesus, as the brightness of His glory, Brightness of whose Glory, Gods.

The Son of God is in the brightness of God’s glory.

The point again is that it is God, and if they did not believe it was God, and that it was He that was speaking how could they believe what he was saying.

We see that God speaks of Himself in that he refers to himself in that He speaks of His Son being in the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.

Thus we are seeing God speaks of Himself in His Son and in doing so He has revealed He has a Son in His Image.

The Apostle not only wants these Jewish people to return back to Jesus but He wants them in the Faith of Jesus, and to return back God in the faith of Jesus who He is speaking in these last days in His Son, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah.

These Jewish people had not only turned away from Jesus, and His shed blood but, had begin to doubt in the God of their fathers and prophets who had been speaking unto them in various ways .

What is God Speaking to? In this book of Hebrews God is speaking to these Jewish people who had begun to turn from the Faith of Jesus Christ whereby it they had begun to believe in what God had done in His Jesus Christ.

God is also addressing doubt about Himself by speaking about Himself in His Son and in doing so he is providing Faith that He, Himself is and His Son is and His Son well be the manner in which He is speaking to them.

For it is for one to believe in God and to believe in His Son and yet to believe in His Son that one may believe in God for the son bears the express Image of Gods person and the brightness of His glory.

Hebrews Chapter 1 Verse 2a,b

Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son,

Hebrews 2 a, Whom He hath appointed heir of all things , by whom also He made the worlds.

If we could really feel the emotions of the writer of the book of Hebrews. I think we would’ve understood how drastic this was to him and how concerned he was, and how compelled by love to write to these Jewish people who had been believers in Jesus, and had now turned away from the faith of God by Jesus Christ to go back to the Law and works of the law.

We can see by the way the Apostle has started out in the first verse, God, who at sundry times.

Here, the Apostle must had been all most besides himself in grief and sorrow for these people and overwhelmed with concern because they had turned from the blood of Christ that had been shed for them, and turned back to the blood of bulls and goats and lambs.

Verse 2 a, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son.

Here we can see that the Apostle must be feeling devastated with great sorrow to think of someone having after tasted of the goodness of God by having received all the benefits from grace and faith without works.

Verse 2 b, we see the apostle continues expounding on the devastation of it all in these words of verse 2b, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds.

They had a relationship with the very Son of God and not only the Son of God but also with the one God made the worlds.

The Apostle is penning his words in grief and sorrow with hope to reconcile these Jewish people back to God through Christ Jesus by admonishing them with these words in these verses.

It is for us to understand the perspective on the Book of Hebrews to be that the Apostle was writing to Jewish people that had once believed in Jesus Christ and had turned back to doing the works of the Law and Customs handed down during the time of Moses.

Why is it important ? For without knowing this perspective a person can receive teaching that can bring a person under great condemnation and guilt.

For example in Hebrews Chapter 6 verse 6 where it says, if they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance.

A person could have been overtaken in a fault, and hear a message where the teacher or preacher is using passages like that out of context and usually do because they don’t have the right perspective on why the book was written.

It would leave that person feeling like there is no hope for them thinking Jesus would not forgive them but, also would not help them with the problem they have leaving them suffering condemnation and guilt.

Hebrews Chapter One Verse 2

As it is seen in verse one we see it is God speaking and having spoken in sundry of times and in divers manner.

The Sundry of times or different dispensations as it was in the day of Adam and Eve, God coming to Adam and Eve in the cool of the day and calling unto them desiring to communicate with them. Then in the days of Noah God speaking to Noah to build an Ark and yet God spoke through Noah to the people of his time but yet we still hear God speaking through these events if one is listing, and as we consider the different period of times or dispensations we see God still speaking, and in verse two we see he has decided to speak again and that is by His son in theses last days .

The scripture in verse two points to these last days. So we have God choosing how he wants to speak, and what the considered time is He is speaking in, and how he wants to speak in that time. We can say God is measuring time or length of days but, for sure God is speaking, and now has decided to speak in a manner He hadn’t spoken before.

Now then we are starting to see more confirmation about who is He speaking to here in the Book of Hebrews. It is more obvious it is the Jewish people because as we know they were God’s people during previous periods of time, dispensations as we would note those period of times to be but now he is going to speak again in His son.

We do need to keep in mind that God was speaking to Jewish people who had believed in Jesus at one time and not the Gentiles who had come to believe in Jesus.

The writer of the Book of Hebrews has the period of times connecting together . The times of the pass with the times of the last days illuminating the fact it is the Jewish people He is speaking to which there again leads us to ask why is He speaking to the Jewish people only.

We begin to see he has to remind them in the manner which He had spoke to them in the past but now it was the manner in which he was going to speak to them , and that was through His only begotten son.

The Jewish people had moved away from Justification by Faith and went back to works according to the law.

.But , now this is why it is so important to know why a book is written , and to who it is written to because the illumination of these verses begin to reflect the purpose of the book being written.

The Book of Hebrews was written to bring Jewish people who had believed in Jesus Christ back to being reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ because they had turned away from Jesus Christ and went back to the law and its customs and works for Justification and was not holding fast to God for Justification by Faith in His Son.

The Apostle writing to them is reminding them that God had changed the manner in which He had communication with them. So of course it would take faith to believe that he was speaking to them by His Son and what God was going to say by His son.

The faith that they could believe that God was going to change the manner that he would speak to them and what he would have to say to them would come through Jesus .

Hebrews Chapter One Vs One

Hebrews Chapter One verse One : God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.

Here we see the scripture declaring that God spake.

Is God still speaking?

The question may not be is God still speaking ?

The point is that in this first verse who is He speaking to? It was that He was speaking to the Jewish believer and not Gentile a believer. For it is made plain here he was talking to Jewish believers because the writer refers to in time pass God spake unto the Jewish fathers by the prophets.

So here again at the beginning of the writing of the Book Of Hebrews we see the writer is speaking to the Jewish believers and writing to them and not to the Gentile believers because the fathers referred to here and prophets referred to here were not the fathers or prophets of the Gentiles.

Gentiles and Jewish people are still who they are after they become a believer, a Jewish person is Jewish and a Gentile is still a Gentile even when they find themselves a believer in Jesus Christ as their Messiah.

The Jewish person is Jewish but there believing is different, wherein they once believed in the customs and works of the Law given by Moses but no longer do because they believe in Jesus as their High Priest cleansed by His blood and not that of bulls, goats and lambs.

You have to keep the word of God in its context with its content and that includes rightly dividing the word of God or you go into error and can end up losing faith and teaching error.

There are so many false teachings do to not rightly dividing the word of God.

So it still remains one needs to keep the contrast between the Jewish people and the Gentiles and allow the scripture that applies to the Jewish people apply to them and the scripture that applies to the Gentiles apply to the Gentiles.


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