Verse 1, 2 ,3
vs 1, God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.
Think on that, the God of heaven was speaking at sundry times , different times, several and various ways unto the fathers by their prophets.
God had men of old of renown called prophets whereby He spoke unto the Jewish fathers.
What is the point ?
The living God was speaking!
The Apostle’s emphasis is not on the prophets and the Jewish fathers even though his inference may seem to apply that it does but, these Jewish people were hearing from the living God.
The emphasis is God Himself.
verse 2; Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son , whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.
Hear again, the Apostle says it is God speaking to these Jewish people, and again what is the point?
It is the living God that is speaking and out of it all we hear the overture of doubt that it is the living God speaking.
If one did not believe it was the living God speaking how could the jewish people ever believe that He was speaking in His Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.
verse 2 a; spoken unto us, referring to God speaking.
verse 2b; God doing something. If one did not believe God was speaking how could they believe he was doing something like appointing His Son heir of all things.
Much less believe that God made the worlds by His Son as it says, by whom also He made the worlds.
Here we see God is speaking unto these Jewish people and what is he saying ?
First and foremost it is God speaking, and secondly what has he revealed by speaking.
He has revealed the manner in which He has made the worlds.
It says here that God made the worlds , and the manner in which He did it.
So it is God speaking saying to these Jewish people that He made the worlds by His Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.
The Apostle is definley addressing doubt and unbelief that these once Jewish believers are having in the Living God more so than not, for sure.
When we look at the emphasis on God in these scriptures we see it is doubt in the Living God that is being addressed and doubt of the Son of God.
verse 3, address Jesus, as the brightness of His glory, Brightness of whose Glory, Gods.
The Son of God is in the brightness of God’s glory.
The point again is that it is God, and if they did not believe it was God, and that it was He that was speaking how could they believe what he was saying.
We see that God speaks of Himself in that he refers to himself in that He speaks of His Son being in the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.
Thus we are seeing God speaks of Himself in His Son and in doing so He has revealed He has a Son in His Image.
The Apostle not only wants these Jewish people to return back to Jesus but He wants them in the Faith of Jesus, and to return back God in the faith of Jesus who He is speaking in these last days in His Son, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah.
These Jewish people had not only turned away from Jesus, and His shed blood but, had begin to doubt in the God of their fathers and prophets who had been speaking unto them in various ways .
What is God Speaking to? In this book of Hebrews God is speaking to these Jewish people who had begun to turn from the Faith of Jesus Christ whereby it they had begun to believe in what God had done in His Jesus Christ.
God is also addressing doubt about Himself by speaking about Himself in His Son and in doing so he is providing Faith that He, Himself is and His Son is and His Son
For it is for one to believe in God and to believe in His Son and yet to believe in His Son that one may believe in God for the son bears the express Image of Gods person and the brightness of His glory.